Sunday, February 25, 2024

Shall I compare thee to a Dating App, Sonnet by Quillmatic Bardinator™

A Sonnet for the Digital Heart

Shall I compare thee to a dating app? 

Thou art more swiping and more algorithmic. 

Rough profiles oft shake the lonely heart, 

And lonely hearts find love in digital seas.

Sometimes, too hot the Tinder flame doth burn, 

And often is the Bumble match unreturned,

And yet, thy legs doth open wide, 

Revealing glimpses of love’s sweet surprise.

But softly now! What light through Grindr window breaks? 

It is heaven, and Cupid is the take. 

Arise, fair swipers, and let us chat away, 

For love awaits in pixels and emoji.

So long as profiles last and phones remain,

This modern sonnet shall sing love’s refrain.

©2024 Quillmatic Bardinator

Adapted from Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18.

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